59 research outputs found

    AND-Type versus WITH-Type Conjunctions: Towards a Corpus-Based Study

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    A new application for raising in HPSG: complex prepositions

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    One of the most popular techniques used in HPSG-based studies to describe linguistic phenomena is the raising mechanism. Besides ordinary raising verbs or adjectives, this tool has been applied for handling verbal complexes and discontinuous constituents, among other phenomena. In this paper, a new application for raising within the HPSG paradigm will be discussed, thereby investigating data from the prepositional domain. We will analyze linguistic properties of word combinations in German consisting of a preposition, a noun, and another preposition (such as auf Grund von (‘by virtue of’)), thus arguing that raising is the most appropriate method for satisfactorily describing the crucial syntactic features which are typical for those expressions. The objective of this paper is thus to demonstrate the efficiency of the raising mechanism as used in HPSG, and therefore, to emphasize the importance of designing a satisfactory uniform theory of raising within this grammar framework

    The Syntax of “Complex Prepositions” in German: An HPSG Approach

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    Many modern languages commonly use expressions that seem unpredictable regarding standard grammar regularities. Among these expressions, sequences consisting of a preposition, a noun, another preposition, and another noun are particularly frequent. The issue of these expressions, usually termed in linguistic literature as "complex prepositions", "phrasal prepositions" or "preposition-like word formations", can certainly be considered to be a cross-linguistic problem (On "complex prepositions" in German and in other languages see (Benes 1974), (Buscha 1984)}, (Lindqvist 1994), (Meibauer 1995), (Quirk and Mulholland 1964), (Wollmann 1996). In this paper, I will focus exclusively on German data, because they provide very explicit and convincing linguistic evidence which motivates and supports my approach. However, I assert that the analysis proposed here for German can also be applied to other languages such as Polish or English

    Using Corpus Statistics in the Modeling of Linguistic Paradigms

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    This paper presents how corpus statistics can be used to verify complex inflectional paradigms. This will be demonstrated using a set of traditionally assumed inflectional paradigms of third person personal pronouns in Polish

    A New Application for Raising in HPSG: Complex Prepositions

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    One of the most popular techniques used in HPSG-based studies to describe linguistic phenomena is the raising mechanism. Besides ordinary raising verbs or adjectives, this tool has been applied for handling verbal complexes and discontinuous constituents, among other phenomena. In this paper, a new application for raising within the HPSG paradigm will be discussed, thereby investigating data from the prepositional domain. We will analyze linguistic properties of word combinations in German consisting of a preposition, a noun, and another preposition (such as auf Grund von (‘by virtue of’)), thus arguing that raising is the most appropriate method for satisfactorily describing the crucial syntactic features which are typical for those expressions. The objective of this paper is thus to demonstrate the efficiency of the raising mechanism as used in HPSG, and therefore, to emphasize the importance of designing a satisfactory uniform theory of raising within this grammar framework

    (Anti-)Control in German: evidence from comparative, corpus- and psycholinguistic studies

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    The present investigation targets the phenomenon commonly called control. Many languages including German and Polish employ non-finite clauses (besides finite clauses) as propositional complements. The subject of these complement clauses is left unexpressed and must generally be interpreted co-referentially with the subject or object of the matrix clause (subject or object control). However. there are also infinitive-selecting verbs that do not allow for a co- referential interpretation of the embedded subject - semantically, the embedded infinitives of these anti-control verbs are thus less dependent on or less unifiable with the matrix proposition. In Polish anti-control constructions, non-finite complements are overtly marked with the complementizer zeby, suggesting that they are structurally more complex (namely. containing a C-projection) than the non-finite complements in control constructions lacking zeby (modulo special contexts. viz. 'control switch'). In a comparative perspective, the paper brings corpuslinguistic and experimental evidence to bear on the question whether surface appearances notwithstanding, the infinitival complements of anti-control verbs in German should similarly be analyzed as truly sentential, i.e., C-headed structures

    Spotting, collecting and documenting negative polarity items

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    As the nature of negative polarity items (NPIs) and their licensing contexts is still under much debate, a broad empirical basis is an important cornerstone to support further insights in this area of research. The work discussed in this paper is intended as a contribution to realizing this objective. The authors briefly introduce the phenomenon of NPIs and outline major theories about their licensing and also various licensing contexts before discussing our major topics: Firstly, a corpus-based retrieval method for NPI candidates is described that ranks the candidates according to their distributional dependence on the licensing contexts. Our method extracts single-word candidates and is extended to also capture multi-word candidates. The basic idea for automatically collecting NPI candidates from a large corpus is that an NPI behaves like a kind of collocate to its licensing contexts. Manual inspection and interpretation of the candidate lists identify the actual NPIs. Secondly, an online repository for NPIs and other items that show distributional idiosyncrasies is presented, which offers an empirical database for further (theoretical) research on these items in a sustainable way

    Cranberry Expressions in English and in German

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    The authors describe two data sets submitted to the database of MWE evaluation resources: (1) cranberry expressions in English and (2) cranberry expressions in German. The first package contains a collection of 444 cranberry words in German (CWde.txt) and a collection of the corresponding cranberry expressions (CCde.txt). The second package consists of a collection of 77 cranberry words in English (CWen.txt) and a collection of the corresponding cranberry expressions (CCen.txt). The data included in these packages was extracted from the Collection of Distributionally Idiosyncratic Items (CoDII), an electronic linguistic resource of lexical items with idiosyncratic occurrence patterns. Each package contains a readme file, and can be downloaded from multiword.wiki.sourceforge.net/Resources